antiX : debian based distro

antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install systemd-free linux live CD distribution based on Debian Stable for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems. antiX offers users the “antiX Magic” in an environment suitable for old and new computers. So don’t throw away that old computer yet!

Features :
  • Instead of a heavy common Desktop Environment, antiX uses window managers to control what the end-user can see and do.
  • You can run it live from a cd, live from a usb stick (with persistence ie changes are saved on reboot).
  • antiX is based on Debian but is totally free of systemd! It comes with a custom kernel.
  • antiX-full needs a 3.8GB minimum hard disk size.
Shortcuts :
  • Use F6 at the boot menu screen to choose your desktop. 

Website :
